Australian Historic Motoring Federation Inc. (AHMF) is the
national peak body for all historic motoring in Australia.
AHMF is a federation of most state & territory
based motoring councils. These councils represent 1000+ historic
motoring clubs and close to 100,000 motoring enthusiasts
across Australia.
AHMF aims to provide representation for the Historic Vehicle Movement
on a national basis to government departments,
Australian organisations & business, and internationally
to other national historic motoring bodies.
The Role of AHMF
To promote and support those organisations whose aims are the
preservation, restoration and use of the Veteran, Vintage, Post Vintage,
Historic 50's, Historic 60's etc. vehicles.
To promote and support the preservation of items associated with
historic vehicles and machinery.
To collect and disseminate, wherever practicable, information
deemed to be to the benefit of the Historic Vehicle Movement
To publish or cause to be published any information, which it is deemed
will promote or support the Historic Vehicle Movement.
To encourage liaison, communication and co-operation between members.
To liaise with any organisation with similar aims to this Federation.
To represent our member organisations in national negotiations with
Government agencies and other organisations.
To act on the recommendation of a majority of members in any matter
wherein benefit to members, or the movement generally, will result.
To encourage and promote the use of all Veteran, Vintage, Post Vintage,
Historic 50's, 60's etc. vehicles.
AHMF achievements over the the past 7 years
AHMF is seen as an information flow process which members lever off.
Definitions of historic and modified vehicles.
Vehicle categories - All states and territories agreed on a standard for vehicle categories.
Constitution - regularly updated and current.
Website - regularly updated and current.
Risk Management - Importance highlighted with considerable information provided to Councils to pass on to clubs.
Introduction of teleconferences (though, sadly, some Councils will not participate).
National Motoring Heritage Day - promoted by the majority of State/Territory Councils.
Input into National Road Rules & child restraints.
Associate Membership - changes to the constitution to allow associate members (although there have been no applications).
Minute Secretary appointed with a 5 year commitment from 2019 to 2023 inclusive.
Luxury Car Tax - import historic vehicles into Australia as a Collectors Piece of Works of Art. Australia then has obligations not to impose duties.
Asbestos - Border Force attended AHMF AGMs and gave clarification though, zero still means zero.
Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act, Concessional RAV entry, Non-RAV entry import approval.
Representatives Vehicle Safety Stands Branch attended the 2019 AHMF AGM, providing first hand information and accepting AHMF input.
AHMF Delegates attended meetings in Melbourne Brisbane and teleconferences allowing input into The ACT, though subjects discussed at
these meetings were not related to the Historic Vehicle Movement (i.e. motorhomes, trailers, etc).
AHMF 2020 - This event was organised to raise the profile of AHMF and entries were received from every state and territory, with the exception of NT.
The event was cancelled due to Covid-19 but the coverage and promotion of the Historic Vehicle Movement was worth the effort and is on-going.
Robert Shannon Foundation - Charitable organisation status received from the ATO.